Coranavirus Crisis & Business Support
Sadly, our thoughts are with anyone who has been severely impacted by Covid-19 and our deepest condolences are for loved ones and their extended family members.
To anyone who is ill, we wish you a speedy recovery along with your families and loves ones who are also battling this pandemic.
At Corrie D Marketing we’re always extremely impressed with the resilience of the NHS and all UK frontline emergency workers!
And would like to express our deepest gratitude and admiration to the NHS and medical professionals who are treating those who are ill and working on the frontline.
We also want to take this opportunity to inform you that Corrie D Marketing is here to serve your needs during these uncertain times.
As you may already be aware, our business model means we work virtually using the internet and online technology that is available.
Working remotely we can communicate using Skype, Facetime or use Google hangouts and can share your screen remotely.
Every organization responding to this unprecedented crisis needs agility, to embrace digital and to change the way they work effectively.
To transform your business from an offline business to an online business, and we are here to support business owners, in any way we can.
While more and more people and families/households are advised if experiencing symptoms to self-isolate, and others due to their age/health.
Whilst others are being advised to work from home.
Meaning, there are more opportunities right now than EVER BEFORE, for ALL types of business owners.
As people are consuming their news online and on social media networks, to be kept up to date with the latest press releases from the government/coronavirus etc.
This also offers businesses an unprecedented opportunity NEVER SEEN BEFORE to advertise and promote their products/services via digital marketing and online advertising platforms.
As more and more people consume their news about this pandemic online on social media and on websites therefore giving you the ideal opportunity to tap into these people.
So that when your business re-opens (if currently closed) then you are like a sprung coil, ready with a list of leads for you to contact on opening day.
This may be a very different world when it re-opens.
The financial markets have said we could be heading for a recession, so every business needs to grab as many customers as they possibly can.
To think you are saving money by not advertising is a fallacy!
This is simply not true – Think of it like this: If you have a B&B but you don’t advertise it or market it, then all you have is a house.
We know and understand that these are uncertain times and many business are worrying.
So we’ve included below some useful links we thought may help your cash flow, during these difficult times.
Useful Coronavirus Links
If you are unclear if your business should remain open? Here is a useful well-documented guide:
Sole Traders, Freelancers, Those Working In Gig Economy – There is some financial assistance available. You can claim Universal Credit.
Business Interruption Loan Scheme – https://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/ourpartners/coronavirus-business-interruption-loan-scheme-cbils/for-businesses-and-advisors/
Grant support is available to help business deal with the impact of COVID-19. The purpose of these one-off grants is to help protect jobs, prevent business closure and promote economic recovery. Two types of grant are available to ratepayers:
(i) £10,000 grant to ratepayers of businesses in receipt of the Small Business Bonus Scheme or Rural Relief. Business with a rateable value up to £18,000 are eligible. You can also get this grant if you applied for Nursery Relief or Disabled Relief but are eligible for the Small Business Bonus Scheme.
(ii) Retail, hospitality and leisure business ratepayers with a rateable value between £18,001 – £50,999 can apply for a one-off grant of £25,000.
This grant is being administered by Local Authorities on behalf of the Scottish Government. Eligible ratepayers should apply to their local authority using the application form.
More information can also be found at https://www.mygov.scot/non-domestic-rates-coronavirus/
There is support for business water bills: https://www.gov.scot/news/support-for-business-water-bills/
We sincerely hope this helps. We want to ensure our clients thrive and survive these uncertain weeks and months ahead.
And wish you a safe journey in your endeavours for your personal health, wealth and same for your business.
We are in it together! Feel free to call us anytime as know from experience how self-distancing and working from home can affect your mood. It’s a long week but especially when your isolated and working on your own, instead of as part of a team. We still miss the camaraderie of the office and been doing this for 8 almost 9 years now. You can contact us on our website CLICK HERE OR Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758 or email info@corriedmarketing.co.uk
Stay Safe!
Corrie-Dee Whaite, Corrie D Marketing. (Proprietor).