Ensure you win the race and beat the competition with Corrie D Marketing’s “Mad As A March Hare” Special Offers.
Have you ever read the story of the Tortoise and the Hare?
To summarise – The hare is very confident of winning, so it stops during the race and falls asleep. The tortoise however continues to move very slowly but without stopping and finally it wins the race. The moral lesson of the story is that you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly. (Source: Wikipedia)
Anyone who knows us? Will already be aware that here at Team CDM we’re as mad as a March Hare.
So just to make sure we don’t disappoint YOU we’d like to offer you some AMAZING SPECIAL OFFERS for March 2019 to ensure you beat the competition AND WIN the race!
Special OFFER – BOGOF on ad creatives. Buy one set of ads (mobiles & tablets) get one free (TV’s, Computers, Laptops).
Online advertising offers highly targeted ad campaigns so no wasted ad budget. ONLY targets your ads at your EXACT Target Audience.
You need a way to remain “top of mind” when people are in the market and ready to buy.
You need TOF (Top Of Funnel) new eyeballs and brand awareness, you need to let people (your target audience) whether that’s B2C or B2B data that you exist, what you do, how you can help them, your value proposition..
Once you’ve targeted these fresh new eyeballs and made them an offer they can’t refuse, the aim is they click on your ad to your landing page over on your website. These people are interested but we always recommend you retarget ALL of your website visitors it does not matter where they came from. Press, TV, Radio, Google, Facebook, Online Ads, Search Ads.. ANYWHERE!
Someone who has visited your website is a warmer lead than someone who has never heard of you.
Which is another reason why we offer Retargeting (remarketing) of your online ad campaigns.
Facebook RT (ReTargeting), Google Display, Google AdWords. RTB (Real Time Bidding).
Incidentally according to Forbes 90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions. (Source: Forbes 3rd February 2017) read more here.
50% OFF Facebook Cover Image Video + MP4 file. T&Cs Apply.
BOOK NOW Contact Corrie-Dee Whaite on Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758 or visit http://bit.ly/CDMOnlineAdsOffer