AI Training For Busy Business Owners. AI Fundamentals: Unlock AI Secrets
Online Training On Demand
I GET IT! I’ve been there too and I’m NOT New To AI.
I’ve been using Ai since 2017 training chat bots for clients websites and another platform for design. But in August 2023 I had two clients approach us, who were both using AI, but using it badly. I didn’t know back then, what they were doing wrong. Because they were using Ai for very different reasons from why I use AI. I use it for design, and I’ve been training chat bots for clients websites for customer services but also an added bonus it can tell you who is hanging around on their website that Google Analytics cannot.
I help busy business owners and professionals learn AI at an accelerated rate!
To help YOU to shorten the curve and make something that i found to be complicated, difficult and confusing and makeing it easy for you so you don’t need to take 12 months off to study this, like I did. Mine was due to a health scare I was studying AI anyway but in February 2024 I had a pension pot from my ex job at the Daily Mail I was off work sick so I decided I would invest that money in ME! And emarked on further paid for training to help both my own business and my clients but after realising the many benefits and as I’m passionate about helping businesses it’s all I’ve done for the past 35+years I didn’t want YOU to miss out on this chance to future-proof your business, set your business up for the modern age, and leave your competition in the digital dust.
If you’re seeing this you’re a VIP!
Because in today’s market, if you’re not leveraging AI, in your business, you’re practically using a typewriter!
Why AI?
Because it’s the game-changer that transforms how businesses operate. It’s changing the very essence of business, how we operate, compete and most importantly SUCCEED! Our expert-led training demystifies AI, giving you the practical knowledge and skills to integrate AI seamlessly into your daily operations. Harness AI’s power to automate repetitive tasks, enhance decision-making, and provide unparalleled insights into your business.
The book is a precursor for the course (Optional) but recommended.
AI Fundamentals: Unlock AI Secrets Course Contents
Here’s what you will learn in the course it’s 10 modules plus a couple of extra advanced courses and some EXCLUSIVE VIP Offers as added bonuses from Corrie D Marketing to celebrate the launch of our AI Training course.
I have specifically curated this course with world leading professionals to ensure that it’s engaging, with training study tips (enhanced by guess what? AI of course).
We promise it’s going to make learning fun, and engaging. I understand that tech and IT can be a bit of boring subject (even fore me and I love this stuff) but on some courses I attended I actually fell asleep at my desk on a few occassions and why I made this course to be different. I’ve never seen anything like this before.
Designed using my award winning talents, enhanced and powered by AI to make learning fun with animated videos and fun quizzes (designed and inspired by one of my own favourite TV quiz and Playstation games) “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” Downloadable worksheets, a workbook, plus there is also an interactive quiz (locked unless all 10 modules are successfully completed). Making your progress trackable throughout the course so you/we can track your progress to ensure you are accountable and a course completion certificate gained ONLY with 80% accuracy in the final interactive quiz. I used AI to research why I was constantly being distracted and falling asleep.
It turns out that 20 minutes is the “sweeet spot” for busy owners or they get distracted with calls and emails so training is best delivered in short burst of bite sized chunks the BEST way for busy owners to learn. So block off your time and dive in. The cost saving this will be bring to your business and the boost in productivity is well worth setting aside time to do this. You can do this in 6 hours, 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months (it’s entirely up to you). We’ll be running a follow up workshop online on demand or live to give our delegates hands on experience. This first course is the theory next up is the practical hands on workshop.
The Time IS NOW! Don’t get left behind and become as extinct as the Do-Do (or be the equivalent of a digital dinosaur).
Ai Fundamentals: Unlock AI Secrets Training COURSE Online On Demand COMING SOON!
You can find an overview and outline of our training course content HERE:
The famous business strategist who’s MBA and coaching programme I’m on, Tony Robbins, has always emphasised the importance of seizing opportunities and taking massive action. Now is the time to invest in yourself and your business. With our AI Fundamentals online course, avaiable on demand you’ll gain a competitive edge in a world that’s rapidly embracing technology. Imagine the possibilities when you can automate mundane tasks, analyse extensive data with ease, and make smarter, faster decisions.
Ready to transform your business and lead the charge into the future?
Dive into AI with our AI Fundementals: Unlock AI Secrets. We also advise to start at the beginning to understand the theory first. And why this course is tailor made for the demanding schedules of business owners just like you. Your journey to becoming an AI-savvy entrepreneur begins now. Don’t Wait! In the words of Dean Graziosi: “The only time better than now to take action is precisely now.Start your AI training today and watch your business flourish like never before.! Join us to Unlock AI Secrets. I’ve been working with the famous Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi and joined their MBA and gained my Course Creation Certificate. Google AI. Plus we’ve also been working with a game-changing American company (who work with Virgin and Richard Branson!) 56 Hours of training, and that was just one particular AI course we purchased and attended.
With 100 researchers have combed through more than 11,000 of THE BEST AI apps & tools for business owners, to allow us to bring you THE BEST AI tools to help you embrace ONLY the best tools and apps that will transform your business.
I have taken year off to study AI in depth. Due to a health scare and emergency operation. Luckily I had a pension pot from The Daily Mail which I released to allow me to spend a year, intensively training on AI to upskill myself and our clients (but now I have personally witnessed how amazing this is it’s a game changer with my own results, I want to share my vast knowledge on AI with YOU!
Watch AI Fundamentals: Unlocking AI Secrets Online Training Course On Demand. WATCH Promo Trailer HERE: