Platinum Award Win For “DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY OF THE YEAR 2024/2025”
Absolutely over the moon, and thrilled to announce that Corrie D Marketing has won the prestigious “Platinum Award” from the Prestige Awards, Scotland for the 4th Year In A Row!
Last year we won the GOLD Award, which was a phenomenal achievement, but did you know ONLY 5% of award winners win GOLD award for 3 consecutive years in a row. Cannot wait to hear the stats regards the Platinum Award.

This is our 12th award win, in the past 9 consecutive years! And first award win for 2024 – BRING IT ON!!! Thrilled to announce this is our 4th award win a row, from the Prestige Awards.
We’ve also been nominated for another award, but we’ll share that exciting news when we win it as don’t gloat about being nominated, in the finals or a runner up.
Our motto is “GO big or go home! 

Well Done To The CDM Digital Marketing Team on Winning Platinum & Best Digital Marketing Agency 2024/2025, Scotland!
An absolutely fantastic achievement . This recognition is a testament to our amazing teams professionalism, dedication, creativity and our innovative approach to digital marketing. All of our team members are experienced, professionals. With each of us having our own chosen areas of expertise With over 150+ years experience between us all, we hold our team members in the highest regard for their utmost professionalism, dedication, innovation and positivity.
Also of course we are incredibly grateful to our lovely clients, partners, and supporters – who have been with us throughout this 13-year journey. And extremely honoured to be recognized among other outstanding Scottish businesses and individuals. Without you, we would not be here. A heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who believed in us and contributed to our success!
Looking forward to celebrating our 12th award win, in the past 9 consecutive years and 4th win (Platinum Award) with the Prestige Awards, Scotland.
The organisers and judges will be at the Scotland event, it will be superb to catch up with the Prestige Awards team. Whereby we’ll have the opportunity for a professional photo shoot, recorded video interview, meet the judges, and enjoy will exposure through Prestige Awards local media. 

Here’s to continued growth, innovation, and success!
And an extremely positive start to 2024.