Digital Marketing Offers Amazing Opportunities To Business Owners!
Personalised and targeted ads are available to business owners, that digital marketing can deliver. That allows business owners to target their EXACT target audience with personalised digital display ads and targeting ads via social media networks especially Facebook, this was always something that Corrie-Dee had always wanted to do and been extremely passionate about.

digital marketing helping you hit your target every time
As the old adage goes “Find a job you love and you will never work another day in your life” could never have been more true!
So it seemed obvious that now was the time to make a permanent move over to digital as working at Thomson Directories for Thomweb the online directory back in 2000 the year of the dot-com boom if you remember that? Had given Corrie-Dee a taste and passion for all things digital, and a nod towards what was to come.
Did you know? Marketing has changed more in the last 5 years than in the last 50!
After identifying a gap in the market in Ayrshire & surrounding areas for an online digital marketing agency and marketing consultancy for someone that can take a consultative approach and visit clients in their premises to help and educate business owners to move away from the more expensive traditional machine gun approach to marketing and advertising.
To help them understand the opportunities that are available nowadays and the various online digital marketing channels that a business owner can use to target their EXACT target audience much more cost-effectively.
And identify early on, who there target audience is EXACTLY, what they do, where they hang out, they can create marketing personas to help business owners to match their various products to their target audiences and channels/media where they are likely to be, to help achieve their business goals and KEY objectives.
They can help your company to identify areas you need to target, run test campaigns to see what works/doesn’t work.
In digital marketing – You have to be flexible as the digital landscape is so fast paced and fast moving they advise you test and run small test campaigns as a one size fits all does not work in digital what might work for one business won’t neccessarily work for another. It depends on the company, the product their offer (if they have an offer) so throw a bit of budget at it to see what works/doesn’t work and stop what isn’t working and spend more on what is.
Digital V Traditional
Did you know 70% OFF ALL web traffic goes through Facebook and Google. The amazing thing about digital V traditional – With digital all results are measurable, trackable and transparent.
Digital delivers hyper-targeted advertising. ONLY targeting your EXACT target audience so no ad budget is wasted.
Which is why they love all things digital – There is no hiding place! They use KPIs to analyse each campaign’s performance and give you the honest breakdown on these.
Marketing Plans and Digital Strategies
Creating bespoke and targeted marketing plans and digital strategies to help any business owner identify their goals and establish quickly a route to achieve maximum results with their budgets and meet their business objectives.

Corrie D Marketing Is Your Marketing Stuck In The 80s Girl On Typewriter and circular dial traditional style telephone
Corrie D Marketing offers boutique agency services so the same services as any digital marketing agency but on a more personalised level and offers unique services they have invested in.
Business owners cannot do this themselves! Because they do not have the investment in the software to do this.
Corrie D Marketing has invested heavily in software and systems, to help businesses stop wasting their marketing budget on the traditional routes to market using expensive, traditional marketing methods ie TV, Press & Print. Their aim is to stop business owners and marketing departments, taking the machine gun approach to marketing.
For most businesses EVERYONE IS NOT your target audience.
And a newspaper ad is not targeting your target audience in the same way that you can, with the many and various forms of online ads and using our unique two step lead generation system you will never miss another hot lead, ever again.
People have more channels than ever before and you MUST ensure you are where your customers hang out and that is online, browsing websites, hanging out on apps ie dating apps, music apps, social media networks etc but most importantly you have got to be where your customers are and they are more than likely on Facebook!
You need a way to remain “top of mind” so that when someone who is perhaps researching the market online that it is YOU they choose when they decide to buy and CDM can help with this with their remarketing ad campaigns via their award-winning RTB platform.
Their aim is to deliver your marketing and advertising to ONLY your target audience to help keep your overall costs down and generate a better quality of lead that is more likely to convert. Working with their discerning clientele they visit clients in their premises on a one to one personal level.
Corrie-Dee acts as project manager and sources the relevant people from their preferred team of experienced and professional suppliers they offer full-service creative agency for both online and offline services without the price tags associated with this. They work in collaboration on each specific project so it’s the equivalent to having a marketing department on hand but without the costs associated so no holidays, pensions, sick pay, HR required. Each service is packaged up so you know EXACTLY how much you will pay and you only pay as and when you need them.
They are a target-led, open and honest, results-driven Digital Marketing Agency and Marketing Consultancy, with 25 years experience in marketing, communication & business development within the Media.
Nowadays their clients include businesses ie North Ayrshire Council, East Ayrshire Council, Business Gateway, McMillan Cancer Charity, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, Terex Trucks, Ideal Windows And Conservatories, Scottish Slimmers, Stairhill Architecture, Beacons Roofing, JNS Lift, Ross-Toration Damp Surveys, Lapwings Ltd, Ashgrove Home Improvements, Motorcycle Centre Scotland, The McKinstry Company, Craftsman Cladding, Brandt Heating Scotland, E Learn Academy, to name a few you may have heard of plus many, many more.
If you’re marketing is stuck in the 80s?
And you’re looking for a friendly and approachable boutique agency that can offer you a one to personal service to help to educate you to make informed decisions to take your business to the next level – They are available to help TODAY. Tel: 01294 559480. OR Mob 07411 170758.
To arrange a FREE one hour telephone consultation contact us via our contact form on our website CLICK HERE